Alderighi Impianti,
reliability and quality since 1963
Passion for quality, attention to detail, respect for tradition and the human factor distinguish Alderighi Impianti, a Florentine company that has been operating for some time in the plant engineering and services sector.
A story made
of intuition and commitment,
respect and trust.
The development of Alderighi Impianti has been particularly evident in the last ten years and this thanks to the demonstration of reliability that Alderighi Impianti has guaranteed to customers and designers.
Alderighi Impianti offers a 360° service.
Alderighi Impianti is the only interlocutor for all the necessary specialist works, the right answer for a perfect optimization of relationships and synergies.
We build industrial and civil, mechanical and electrical systems.
We manage the plants we build.
A story made
of intuition and commitment,
respect and trust.
The development of Alderighi Impianti has been particularly evident in the last ten years and this thanks to the demonstration of reliability that Alderighi Impianti has guaranteed to customers and designers.
Alderighi Impianti offers a 360° service.
Alderighi Impianti is the only interlocutor for all the necessary specialist works, the right answer for a perfect optimization of relationships and synergies.
We build industrial and civil, mechanical and electrical systems.
We manage the plants we build.
Last realized projects
New SOA 2022 Certification
News New SOA 2022 CertificationThe constant growth trend recorded by the Company over the past few years is confirmed by the achievement of the new...
UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certifications
News UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certifications As a result of the investment program announced in the two-year period 2019/2020...
News Christmas fundraising for FILE Alderighi Impianti contributed in the Christmas fundraising to sustain the Italian Leniterapia Foundation - FILE...

Registro imprese: 05013040489
R.E.A.: 509534
Capitale sociale 115.000,00 euro
Alderighi Impianti S.r.l
Via dei Ceramisti, 46
50055 Lastra a Signa – FI
C.F. e P.IVA: 05013040489